The Bottom Of The Lake

Bethany explains, in more detail than ever before, the trauma of her daughter's birth and her struggle with postpartum depression.

Released Jul 02, 2021  / Topics: Postpartum depression, baby blues, PPD, postpartum, motherhood, pregnancy, childbirth, c section, prenatal depression  /  Length: 78:50

On this episode Bethany dives into, in more detail than ever before, the trauma of her daughter's birth and her struggle with postpartum depression. She gets very vulnerable and bravely shares her thoughts and feelings while she was at the peak of her struggle with postpartum depression. She shares the options she was given to help treat postpartum and how challenging it was to get out from under it. 1 in 8 women experience postpartum depression symptoms per a CDC study. Pregnancy and motherhood are life changing and challenging. Women deserve support and help and we are here to try to spread awareness about both postpartum depression, prenatal depression and mothers with mental health disorders. It's okay not to be okay, but we are here for you!


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Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale - Postpartum depression is the most common complication of childbearing. This 10-question self-rating scale has been proven to be an efficient and effective way of identifying patients at risk for “perinatal” depression. While this test was specifically designed for women who are pregnant or have just had a baby, it has also been shown to be an effective measure for general depression in the larger population.

PPD Helpline

SAMHSA’s National Helpline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357) SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

Prenatal Depression Information

Depression is a serious illness that can interfere with everyday life. When women experience depression during pregnancy, it is called prenatal depression. Most women go through emotional ups and downs throughout pregnancy, and this is completely normal. But when feeling blue or sad for a few days becomes a regular thing and the sadness, anxiety and other negative emotions get in the way of everyday life, it might be depression. Prenatal depression is common. About 13 percent (more than one in 10) of pregnant women and new mothers experience depression. There are some experts who believe the percentage may be quite a bit higher. Fortunately, prenatal depression can improve greatly with treatment - find out more at the link below!

Baby Blues Information

Approximately 70-80% of all new mothers experience some negative feelings or mood swings after the birth of their child. Often the symptoms of “baby blues” will hit forcefully within four to five days after the birth of the baby, although depending on how the birth of the baby went, they may be noticeable earlier. Symptoms of “baby blues” can be found at the link below!

Depression During and After Pregnancy

Recent CDC research shows that about 1 in 8 women experience symptoms of postpartum depression. Additionally, a recent analysis by CDC found the rate of depression diagnoses at delivery is increasing and it was seven times higher in 2015 than in 2000 - learn more at the link below.

Mom's Mental Health Matters

Pregnancy and a new baby can bring a range of emotions. In fact, many women feel overwhelmed, sad, or anxious at different times during their pregnancy and even after the baby is born. For many women, these feelings go away on their own. But for some women, these emotions are more serious and may stay for some time. Learn more about how to understand and treat your mental health as a new mom at the link below.

Postpartum Support International

Call the Postpartum Support International HelpLine: 1-800-944-4773 You are not alone. You are not to blame. With help, you will be well. Find local support, support groups and more at the link below.