My Childhood S***

Lauren and Bethany start to talk about relationships but veer off into the relationship between themselves & their inner children.

Released Jan 29, 2021  / Topics: Relationships, Inner Child healing, Inner Child, mental health podcast, mental health  /  Length: 34:53

Lauren and Bethany start to talk about relationships but veer off into the relationship between themselves & their inner children. Realizing that everything stems from their inner child starts them down an amazing path for their mental health podcast as they are committed to finding, getting to know and helping their inner children.



I guess this really CAN get dark. The entire time you were talking about the inner child, I was fighting opening up to mine. And yes, childhood trauma has made me physically less resilient. Having spent 20+ years in therapy mostly left me reenacting the parent-child dynamics that I was brought up with . EMDR, with less talking, was really the only modality that cut through my tendencies to deflect, avoid, escape what was really painful. I recommend at least a trained coach in doing that process. I applaud both of you for the courage it took to publicly reveal these issues. Much to reflect on now for my own journey...Thank you!!

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